Our Purpose:

helping 1m people around the world feel close to their home

1 million people.

Our purpose is to help 1m people around the world feel close to their home.

Becoming pioneers in luxury HeritageWear, bringing pride and patriotism to all who wear us - these are all part of the journey to reaching one million people.

To us, feeling at home is a place that's familiar in every way.

A place where you can be comfortable in your strongest and weakest traits,

Where there is no judgment, only encouragement.

A place you can walk away from, full of happiness and stability, knowing you can always come back.

One that will welcome you with open arms, no matter when you return.

If we can reach the milestone of helping one million people feel this feeling, we know we will have succeeded.


When we concepted Great Bear, we wanted personalisation and representation to be weaved into every decision and every thread.

That's why we've created designs for every country in the world, no matter how small.

It's why we've built online communities that allow people to share the things they love about the place they call home.

We want the world to look forward to the exploration of culture and heritage, and to experience that positivity both physically and virtually.




As humans, Community is at the very core of our very identity, and for too long we have allowed fear to separate us, splintering us into sub-groups and harbouring our ability to stand together.

No longer will we accept fear.

No longer will we accept separation.

Now is the time to create a passionate, patriotic community that stand together because of our differences, not in spite of them.

When you join this community, you will sign the pledge to accept yourself, to accept others, and to build a world our ancestors and children can be proud of.


Identity is the single most important feeling in the world, impacting every experience we have throughout our lives.

It it the backbone of enrichment, belonging and purpose, and without it, we can often feel lost.

In creating our Heritage Collection, we wanted to give our community the opportunity to expose their identity to the world, with garments that enable that identity to be seen, celebrated and revered.

When wearing our garments, we want people to feel empowered. Rather than generalisation, we want to inspire specificity: instead of Eastern European, it's Moldovan, instead of Asian, it's Vietnamese.

We want to spark curiosity in onlookers, inevitably leading to greater education.


We're passionate about giving back, so when we considered where to place our goodwill funds, we decided that the right place for them was back into our own community.

We're immensely proud to have created the Great Bear NOSTOS fund, which will give members of our community a life-changing opportunity to return to the place they call home.

Great Bear commit a flat 5% of our profits to our NOSTOS Fund, meaning the fund gets bigger with each phase of our growth.

“We commit 5% of profits to our NOSTOS fund, which will offer life changing trips home for our community.”

Megan Del Carmen, Founder, Great Bear

you are the brand.

We want to be your true partner, so when you become part of our community, we truly want to get to know you too.

That's why we created Tales of Home; to give seemingly ordinary people a chance to tell their extraordinary stories.

It's why we created the NOSTOS fund, because we know funding a round trip home can be out of reach and we want to help.

And why when you follow us on socials, we take the opportunity to follow you back.

Together we are stronger.

Together we can make history.

Responsible Sourcing

We believe that the highest levels of accountability and transparency are the future of modern luxury, and we’re committed to helping to drive this meaningful change across our industry.

To do this, we’ve partnered with a number of players across the industry to support one another in our collective mission towards improving our social and environmental performance.